Graduate seminar GEOG696b (Cultural Geography)

fall 2003
Political Ecology; institutions, environmental change, & development

5pm-7.30pm Thursday, HARV 452.
Dr. Simon Batterbury, Assistant Professor, Geography and Regional Development, 626 8054, office hrs. Tues 11.15-12.15 or by appt.

Political Ecology is a multi-disciplinary approach to understanding resource access by different people, the institutions and environmental conditions through which resource access is mediated, and the sorts of environmental change that these systems may create. It also involves an analysis of the political institutions that have a bearing on environmental outcomes. It frames local resource use systems within the 'nests' of processes that help to shape them - e.g. political economy, globalization, gender relations, and historically produced 'narratives'.


Political Ecology has endured as a strong approach - with a basis in the disciplines of geography and anthropology - to understanding livelihood systems and development processes in developing countries (and to lesser, but important extent in developed countries). Practically, it can help understand why development and conservation (as an ideal, or in an actual project setting) fails or succeeds, or why environmental degradation results.

The class will provide graduate students with a critical understanding of the institutions that regulate the interactions between society and the natural environment, at the local, national, and international levels. We are also concerned with how these relationships are perceived and understood through 'discourses' in particular development contexts. Firstly, a range of explanatory frameworks that sit under the heading of political ecology are introduced. Secondly, using a political ecology framework, we critically analyze a number of resource management institutions that are reconstituting human-environment relationships and promoting particular forms of 'environmental governance'.  This year I hope to include some topical sessions on the south-west and water issues. We ask how these different institutions, and the politics surrounding them, impose constraints upon, and present opportunities for, the promotion of sustainable and equitable development.

The class is a seminar format. Suggested topics for each week are shown below. Each week will be led by a small group of students, followed by general discussion. Needless to say, it is essential that everyone come well-prepared for discussions.

Assignments: The major assignment for this class (70%) is to prepare a paper relevant to the themes of the class and to your own graduate studies. This could be an advanced critique of political ecology; or an application of the approach to an empirical question or to a case study. An engagement with political ecology is required: restricting this to the 'third world' is not. Papers should be newly prepared for this class. Papers may be developed in two stages. An outline of the paper and suggested readings should be prepared and submitted by week 8. This allows for guidance on your early ideas . The finished paper should be submitted by 4 Dec, with a maximum suggested length of 4000 words. Any excellent papers may be considered for publication in the only journal dedicated explicitly to this field, the Journal of Political Ecology (eds Park, Greenberg, Batterbury), produced at UofA and available online at

Also, 30% of your grade is for class participation. This is in two parts,

  • the first being conventional participation (!),  graded according to the quality of contributions to seminar discussion.

  • Secondly, to respect the seminar format and to allow everyone a chance to speak, groups of 2/3 students will present for 10 minutes on the major themes to emerge from the readings for each week. This means reading and digesting the required readings, and dipping into the others as well to present the class with some initial comments and points for discussion. See Preparing an oral presentation -

Readings and website: I will make every effort to copy at least the required readings (box in Geography office). We also have a class website where copies of scanned Electronic Reserve articles may be placed. If you cannot find an article, this may be because it is available electronically via SABIO, which you should all be familiar with.

Timetable (provisional).



Required Reading

28 Aug


Suggested: First chapter, Peet &

Watts, Forsyth ch 1

Part 1 Explanatory frameworks

4 Sept

Paula D.


interdisciplinary frameworks and methods for

understanding society and environment


Keeley and Scoones (either dates)


 Mehta et al.

11 Sept

Phil L


Political ecology and its antecedents ( cultural ecology)

Forsyth ch 1, Blaikie 1995, 

Blaikie 1999,

your favorites. Handout on cultural

ecology. butzer.

18 Sept



Political ecology II - new thinking, methodologies


Select from Peet&Watts.

Vayda and Walters, Bryant.

25 Sept



  Livelihood thinking and sustainability

Bebbington 1999.  Scoones 1998.

F Ellis or anything by D Bryceson.

See also Warren et al 2001

(Geog Journal)

2 Oct


Keith W.

deconstructing environmental ‘narratives’

video - Second Nature

Leach and Mearns. (mailroom box)

Bassett & Zueni, or Robbins

Forsyth ch 2 could help


9 Oct

Derek E

Eduardo F

Resource conflicts/corporate environmental misdeeds

Selections from

'Violent environments'

eg. Watts (ereserves)

G. Bridge

Part 2. Resource management issues and

political ecology

16 Oct

Kate M

Andrew C

Paper outline


Political ecology of development , sustainability, and

environmental policy


Choose your case studies.

Adams?. Batterbury? Bryant?

Wade on World Bank

23 Oct

no class.

30 Oct

Dave F,

Keith L



Co-management and conservation policy



Adams 1996

sections from
Hulme & Murphree (in ereserves)

Igoe is in mail room now

your preferences

6 Nov

Keith L,

James K


Western and south-western political ecology


Guest - Prof. Tom Sheridan , Southwest Center/Dept.

of Anthropology

T. Sheridan  (Hum Org 2001)

Walker P 2003 (Prog Hum Geog)

Kuletz 2001or another

13 Nov

Eduardo F

Kate M

Environmental politics of water



Swyngedow et al 2002, Johnson 2003.

then choose from Swyngedow,

Glennon 2002

20 Nov



Environmental movements and urban PE


Yearley. Pulido. Rangan.

an urban article

27 Nov

 Thanksgiving  no class


4 Dec

paper due


brown bag, Simon's?

Relevant Journals
Capitalism, Nature, Socialism  (library or ask Simon)

Journal of Political Ecology, (eds. Batterbury, Greenberg, Park)

Cultural and Political Ecology Newsletter ( ed. Batterbury

Journal of Human Ecology (SABIO),

Human Ecology Review, (back issues online)

Environmental Politics,

Development and Change (SABIO)

Society & Natural Resources (SABIO)

World Development (Sabio)


28 Aug   Introduction
Adams, WM. 2001. Green Development. London: Routledge  (problematizes development concepts)

Bassett TJ and Zimmerer K (eds) 2003 Political Ecology: Guilford Press (collection of good readings, but all the individual chapters are all previously published and most therefore available electronically - I can give you a list)

Forsyth, TJ 2002 Critical political ecology. Routledge. ch 1. (elec. reserves)
Peet, R and Watts, M 1996 Liberation Ecologies: Environment, development, social movements. London and New York: Routledge. ch 1- Liberation Ecology: development, sustainability, and environment in an age of market triumphalism' (reviewed - (2nd issue forthcoming)

Robbins, P. 2004. Introduction to Poltiical Ecology. Blackwell.

Sachs, W. 1999 Planet dialectics : explorations in environment and development. London, Zed (SB/library -

4 Sept Interdisiplinary frameworks and methods

Adams, WM, 2001. ch 10. Green Development. Routedge.
Beck, Ulrich, 1995. Ecological Problems in an Age of Risk. Cambridge: Polity Press. (important, esp. if working in western settings)
Blaikie, P 1995 'Changing Environments or Changing Views? A Political Ecology for Developing Countries', Geography pp 203-214
Castree. Noel 2003 Environmental issues: relational ontologies and hybrid politics. Progress in Human Geography, Volume 27, Number 2 , pp. 203-211 (review, SABIO)

Chambers, R. 1997 Whose Reality Counts? Putting the first last. London: Intermediate Technology Publications
Eden, S. 1998.  Environmental Issues:  Knowledge, Uncertainty and the Environment.  Progress in Human Geography, vol. 22(3), pp. 425-432.

ESRC GEC programme. 2000. Risky choices, soft disasters.
Fischer, F and Hajer, M.A. (eds.) 1999 Living with nature: environmental politics as cultural discourse. New York: Oxford University Press
James Keeley and Ian Scoones 1999 Understanding Environmental Policy Processes: A Review IDS Working Papers - 89

James Keeley and Ian Scoones 2003 Understanding Environmental Policy Processes - cases from Africa. Earthscan. Introductory chapter available online at

Keeley, J. and Scoones, I. 2000 Environmental Policymaking in Zimbabwe: Discourses, science and politics. IDS Working paper 116.
Jackson C 2002 Disciplining Gender? World Development (use sabio)
Jasanoff, S and Wynne, B 1998 'Science and decision-making', in Rayner, S and Malone, E Human Choice and Climate Change Vol.1 The Societal Framework. Columbus, Ohio: The Battelle Press
Mehta, L. et al 1999 Exploring Understandings of Institutions and Uncertainty: New directions in natural resource management. IDS Discussion Paper 373.
Loomis, T.M. 2000 Indigenous Populations and Sustainable Development: Building on indigenous approaches to holistic, self-determined development. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 5, pp. 893-910 (SABIO)
Nightingale, A. 2003.
Nature–society and development: social, cultural and ecological change in Nepal, Geoforum Volume 34, Issue 4525-540
O'Riordan, T. 2000 'Environmental science on the move', 1-27 in, O'Riordan, T. (ed.) Environmental Science for Environmental Management. London: Longman (electronic reserves)
Robertson DP and R. B Hull. 2003. Public ecology: an environmental science and policy for global society. Environmental Science and Policy, 6(5): 399-410 (useful reading for envt.scientists) Sabio

Scoones, I. 1999. New Ecology and the Social Sciences: what prospects for a fruitful engagement? Annual Review of Anthropology 28:479-507 (Sabio)
Thompson, M et al. 1986 Uncertainty on a Himalayan Scale. London: Milton Ash Editions [Ch. 1-3] (ereserves)
Thompson, M 1993 'Good Science For Public Policy', Journal of International Development, 5, 6

11 Sept Political ecology
Important foundations
Blaikie, P M 1985 The Political Economy of Soil Erosion. London: Longman [widely considered to be a classic statement of the political ecology perspective]
Blaikie, P M and Brookfield, H 1987 Land Degradation and Society. London. (some on electronic reserves)
Blaikie, P M 1995b 'Understanding Environmental Issues', 1-30 in, Morse, S and Stocking, M (eds) People and Environment. London: UCL Press [for a recent outline of Blaikie's view] (electronic reserves)
Blaikie, P M 1989 'Explanation and policy in land degradation and rehabilitation', Land Degradation and Rehabilitation, 1, 1 pp 23-28 

Blaikie, P. 1999 "A Review of Political Ecology: Issues, Epistemology and analytical narratives." Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 43 (3-4): 131-147. (ereserves)
Durham WH Political Ecology and environmental destruction in latin America
Greenberg & Park. 1994. Political Ecology. Journal of Political Ecology.

Cultural ecology critiques - see some of the classic geographers

11 Sept and 18 Sept New thinking in PE
Batterbury, SPJ & Bebbington, AJ 1999 Environmental Histories, Access to Resources, and Landscape Change: an introduction. Land Degradation and Development 10 (4) 279-290 (whole special issue on Sabio  )
Blaikie, P 1995 'Changing Environments or Changing Views? A Political Ecology for Developing Countries', Geography 1995 pp 203-214 (e reserves)
Blaikie, P. 1999 "A Review of Political Ecology: Issues, Epistemology and analytical narratives." Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie 43 (3?4): 131?147. (ereserves)

Blaikie, P., 2001.  “Social Nature, and Environmental Policy in the South:  Views from Verandah and Veld”, in Castree, N., Braun, B. (eds), Social Nature:  Theory, Practice and Politics, pp. 133-150.  Oxford:  Blackwell Publishers, Ltd(sb)

Bryant, R L and Bailey, S 1997 Third World Political Ecology. London and New York: Routledge
Bryant RL 1998 Power Knowledge and Political Ecology: a review, Progress in Physical Geography Vol 22 pp 79-94 (sabio)
BRYANT, R.L. (1997) Beyond the impasse: the power of political ecology in Third World environmental research, Area 29, 1-15 (elec.reserves)

Escobar, A. 1999a. "After Nature: Steps to an Anti-essentialist Political Ecology."  Current Anthropology 40 (1): 1-30  (See Batterbury, S.P.J  and J.L. Fernando. 2004. Arturo Escobar. In P. Hubbard, R. Kitchin and G. Valentine  (eds.) Key contemporary theorists on space and place. London: Sage. - in specialreserves)

Katz, C. 2000 Fueling war: a political ecology of poverty and deforestation in Sudan. 321-329 In Schroeder and Broch-Due, eds. Producing Nature and Povery in Africa. Uppsala. (ereserves)
Martinez-Alier, J ; Guha, R 1999 Political Ecology, the Environmentalism of the poor, and the global movement for environmental justice Kurswechsel 3/99 (sb?)
Moore, D 1996 'Marxism, Culture and Political Ecology: environmental struggles in Zimbabwe's Eastern Highlands', in Peet, R and Watts, M, eds., Liberation Ecologies: environment, development, social movements. London and New York: Routledge. (and other chapters)
McGuire TR. 1997 The Last Northern Cod J Political Ecology 4 cultural and political ecology)
Paulson SLL GezonM Watts.2003. Locating the political in political ecology: An introduction. Human Organization 62 (3) 205-217 (sabio, special issue)

Robbins P 2003 Political ecology in political geography . Political geography. 22 (6) 641-645 (short comment)

Stott, P. and Sullivan, S. (eds) 2000. Political Ecology: Science, Myth and Power. Edward Arnold, London (British collection - slightly different approach to mainstream geogs. & anthros).
Vayda, A and B Walters. Against Political Ecology. Human Ecology, 27:1.1999. (famous but much too hasty critique on 'political ecologists' - ignores most branches of political ecology, however. on Sabio)
Watts, M, Middleton N & Blaikie, P 1997 Classics in Human Geography revisited - the "Political Economy of Soil erosion" Progress in Human Geography Vol 21:1 pp 75-80 (sabio - original book in library)
Watts M, et al 2001 Classics in Human Geography revisited - Silent Violence. Progress in Human Geography (2001) (sabio - I have the original monster book if you wish)
Watts M 2000 Political Ecology, in T.Barnes and E.Sheppard (eds ) A Companion to Economic Geography, Oxford, Blackwell.(not yet found)
Watts, M and McCarthy, J 1997 'Nature as artifice, nature as artifact: development, environment and modernity in the late twentieth century', in, Lee, R and Wills, J (eds) Geographies of Economies. London: Arnold (addresses North American issues)

Some recent PE Case studies
Bassett T 1988 "The Political Ecology of Peasant-Herder Conflicts in Northern Ivory Coast, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 78 (3), 78 (3): pp. 453-472.
Bryant, R L. 1997 The political ecology of forestry in Burma, 1824-1994. London : Hurst & Company,
Elliot JA. & M Campbell 2002. The environmental imprints and complexes of social dynamics in rural Africa: cases from Zimbabwe and Ghana. Geoforum (forthcoming - use SABIO, Geoforum forthcoming articles)
 Emanuel Robert M.and James B. Greenberg 2000 Lluvia Enojada-Tyoo Kuasi': The Political Ecology of Forest Extraction in the Sierra Chatina, Oaxaca, Mexico J of Political Ecology 7
Gezon, LL 1997 Political ecology and conflict in ankarana, Madagascar, Ethnology 36 2 85-100 (ereserves)

Grossman, L 1998 The political ecology of bananas : contract farming, peasants, and agrarian change in the eastern Caribbean Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina (review-

Jansen K. 1998. Political Ecology, Mountain Agriculture, and Knowledge in Honduras. Amsterdam: Thela Publishers, 288 pp. (Review
Lewis, M W c1992 Wagering the Land: ritual, capital and environmental degradation in the Cordillera of Northern Luzon. Berkeley etc: University of California Press
Schroeder Richard A. 1999 Shady Practices: Agroforestry and Gender Politics in The Gambia, Berkeley: University of California Press (reviewed -
Woodgate, G 1994 'Local environmental knowledge, agricultural development and livelihood sustainability in Mexico', in, Redclift, M and Sage, C, eds., Strategies for Sustainable Development: local agendas for the southern hemisphere. Chichester, etc: John Wiley

25 Sept   Livelihoods (just a start)
DFID's website and clearinghouse - Livelihoods Connect

Agrawal, A. and Sivaramakrishnan, K. (eds.) 2000 Agrarian environments : resources, representations, and rule in India. Durham, NC : Duke University Press.
Batterbury, S.P.J. 2001.  Landscapes of diversity: a local political ecology of livelihood diversification in south-western Niger. Ecumene 8 (4): 437-464. (sabio, jounal now called Cultural Geographies)
Batterbury, SPJ & T.Forsyth. 1999. "Fighting Back: human adaptations in marginal environments" Environment 41(6) 6-11, 25-30. (library - Sabio/catchword - or via my webpage)
Bebbington AJ and Batterbury, SPJ 2001. Transnational livelihoods and landscapes. Ecumene 8(4) 369-492 (sabio)
Bebbington, A. 1999 Capitals and Capabilities: A framework for analyzing peasant viability, rural livelihoods and poverty. World Development, Vo. 27, No. 12, pp. 2021-2044. (sabio)

Bebbington, A.J. 2000. Re-encountering Development: Livelihood Transitions and Place Transformations in the Andes. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 90 (3) 495-520. (sabio) [ a classic]
Bernstein, H & Woodhouse, P. 2002. Telling Environmental Change Like it is. Reflections on a study in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Agrarian Change 1,2,283-324. (the only substantial critique of Leach/Scoones/Mearns et al) (SB)
Berry, S 1993 No Condition Is Permanent: The Social Dynamics of Agrarian Change in Sub-Saharan Africa. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press [chapter 3] 
Brock, Karen  1999 Implementing a Sustainable Livelihoods Framework for Policy Directed Research: Reflections From Practice in Mali IDS Working Papers - 90
Brown K Lapayade S. 2001. A livelihood from the forest. (Cameroon) J Int Dev 13  1131-1149 (sabio)
Bryceson, D, C Kay & J Mooij. 2000. (eds) Disappearing Peasantries? Rural labour in Africa, Asia and Latin America. London: IT Press. (see various chapters) (SB)

Bryceson, D.H.  (1999)  African rural labour, income diversification and livelihood approaches: a long term development perspective, Review of African Political Economy 80: 171-189.

 Bryceson, D.F. & Jamal, V. 1997. Farewell to farms: de-agrarianisation and employment in Africa. Aldershot: Ashgate Press.

Bryceson, D.F.. & Bank, L. 2001 End of an Era: Africa’s development policy parallax. Journal of Contemporary African Studies 19(1) 5-23 (library)
Carney, D. 1998.(ed) Sustainable Rural Livelihoods - what contribution can we make? London : DFID. (sb)
Fabio de Castro,David G McGrath.2003 Moving toward sustainability in the local management of floodplain lake fisheries in the Brazilian Amazon Human Organization. Vol. 62, Iss. 2; p. 123  (sabio)
Ellis F. 1998 Survey Article: Household Strategies and Rural Livelihood Diversification The Journal of Development Studies 35 (1): 1-38
Ellis F. 1999 The Determinants of Rural Livelihood Diversification in Developing Countries. Journal of Agricultural Economics
Ellis, F. 2000. Rural livelihoods and diversity in developing countries. Oxford University Press.
Fox, J. 1996 How Does Civil Society Thicken? The political construction of social capital in rural Mexico. World Development, Vol. 24, No. 6,pp. 1089-1103 (sabio)
Francis, L. 2000. Making a Living: Changing Livelihoods in Rural Africa. Routledge. (good but misses north and west Africa, disappointingly)

Fratkin E, Robin Mearns. 2003 Sustainability and pastoral livelihoods: Lessons from East African Maasai and Mongolia  Human Organization.  62, 2; p. 112 (sabio)

K.Homewood (ed) 2002 Rural resources and local livelihoods in Africa. James Currey. (the "UCL" approach)

Jones S. and G. Carswell (eds.) 2004 Contemporary perspectives on rural livelihoods, environment and NRM: An Earthscan Reader
Little, P. D. Smith K, Cellarius BA. D. L Coppock, C Barrett 2001 Avoiding Disaster: Diversification and Risk Management among East African Herders. Development and Change 32, 3 401 - 433 (sabio)

McCabe JT 2003 Sustainability and livelihood diversification among the Maasai of Northern Tanzania Human Organization.62, 2; p. 100 (sabio)

Murray, Colin. (various, on South Africa)
Ribot J. 1998. Theorizing Access: Forest profits along Senegal`s charcoal commodity chain. Dev & Change 29 307-341 (sabio/ereserves)
Scoones I 1998 Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: A Framework for Analysis IDS Working Papers - 72
Tiffen, M, Mortimore, M and Gichuki, F 1994 More People, Less Erosion: Environmental Recovery in Kenya. London: John Wiley
(A classic. Reversed common neo-Malthusian thinking) 

Warren A, Batterbury SPJ, Osbahr H. 2001. Sustainability and Sahelian Soils: evidence from Niger. The Geographical Journal 167 4 324-341 (ereserves or Simon's web page)
Woodhouse, P et al Sustainability Indicators for Natural Resource Management & Policy . working papers.

Sustainable Livelihoods in Southern Africa  2003 - many papers on line


2 Oct Deconstructing environmental 'narratives'
Adger, Neil, Tor A. Benjaminsen, Katrina Brown, et al 2001 Advancing a Political Ecology of Global Environmental Discourses. Development and Change 32 4 (sabio) draft -
Bassett, T & Zueli, K.B. 2000. Environmental Discourses and the Ivorian Savanna. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 90(1) 67-95 (sabio)

Batterbury SPJ and JL Fernando. 2004. Arturo Escobar. In Hubbard P et al Key Cotemporary thinkers on space and place. London: Sage. (private reserves)
Batterbury, SPJ & Warren, A. 2001. "Desertification". in N Smelser & P Baltes (eds.) The International Encyclopaedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier Press (
Bernstein, H & Woodhouse, P. 2002. Telling Environmental Change Like it is. Reflections on a study in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Agrarian Change 1,2, 283-324. (the only substantial critique of Leach/Scoones/Mearns et al) (SB)

Braun, B. 2002: The intemperate rainforest: nature, culture and power on Canada’s west coast. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. (various reviews available on-line)

Braun B. and Castree, N. editors, 1999 Remaking reality. London: Routledge. (some useful chapters on the social constructionist perspective - explained in Demeritt's chapter)

Bridge, G. and P. McManus (2000) Sticks and Stones: Environmental Narratives and Discursive Regulation in the Forestry and Mining Industries. Antipode 32(1):10-47 (sabio)

R. Cline-Cole and C. Madge (eds.) 2001. Contesting Forestry: West African Processes, Relations, and Outcomes, Ashgate
Carney LA, Robert A. Voeks.2003 Landscape legacies of the African diaspora in Brazil. Progress in Human Geography, Volume 27, Number 2, pp. 139-152,

Demeritt, D. 1994: The nature of metaphors in cultural geography and environmental history. Progress in Human Geography 18, 163–85

Escobar, A. 1999 After Nature: Steps to an Anti-essentialist Political Ecology.  Current Anthropology 40 (1): 1-30 (sabio)

Escobar, A. 1998 Whose Knowledge, Whose Nature? Biodiversity, Conservation, and the Political Ecology of Social Movements. Journal of Political Ecology

Forsyth, TJ, 2002. Critical Political Ecology. Routledge. ch 2.

Escobar A 1996 in Peet, R and Watts, M 1996 Liberation Ecologies: Environment, development, social movements. London and New York: Routledge

Fairhead J and Melissa Leach. 1995. "False forest history, complicit social analysis: rethinking some West African environmental narratives." World Development. 23(6):1023-1035 (sabio)
Hannigan, J 1995  Environmental Sociology: A Social Constructionist Perspective. London and New York: Routledge Ch. 2, pp. 32-57,
Hvalkof S and A Escobar. 1998. Nature, Political Ecology and Social practice: toward and academic and political agenda. IN Goodman AH and Leatherman TL. Building a New Biocultural Synthesis: political-economic perspectives on human biology. Michigan University Press. 425-450 (e reserves)
Leach, M and Mearns, R (eds) 1996 The Lie of the Land: challenging received wisdom in African environmental change and policy. Oxford: James Currey (Elec. Reserves and mailroom box) any chapter.
Leach M & Fairhead J 2000 Fashioned Pasts, Occluded Histories? International Environmental Analysis in West African Locales. Development & Change 31 35-59 (SABIO)
Development and Change journal, Special Issue on Forests (January 2000)

Proctor, J. D., 2001.  Solid Rock and Shifting Sands, in Castree, N., Braun, B. (eds), Social Nature:  Theory, Practice and Politics, pp. 225-240.  Oxford:  Blackwell Publishers, Ltd. (SB)
Raffles, Hugh . 1999. "Local Theory: Nature and the Making of the Amazonian Place." Cultural Anthropology 14(3):323-360.
Robbins, P. 1998. "Paper Forests: Imagining and Deploying Exogenous Ecologies in Arid India" Geoforum 29(1): 69-89 (SABIO)
Robbins, P. 2001 Fixed Categories in a Portable Landscape: The causes and consequences of land cover categorization. Environment and Planning A, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 161-179  (sabio)
Robbins, P. 2001 Schizophrenic Forestry: Producing the landscape of the highlands. Antipode,
(Questions objectivity of satellite imagery, etc. for assessing land use) (sabio)

Robbins. 2001. "Tracking Invasive Land Covers in India or Why Our Landscapes Have Never Been Modern." Annals of the Association of American Geographers . 2001. 91(4): 637-654 (sabio)

Roe, E M 1995 'Postscript' to Special Section on Development Narratives,  World Development, 23, 6 (Sabio)
Stott,P & S Sullivan. (eds) 2000. Political Ecology: Science, Myth and Power. Edward Arnold, London (intro chapter and Sullivan)
Stott, Philip 1999 Tropical rain forest : a political ecology of hegemonic mythmaking London: IEA, 1999 [deliberately provocative writing by an errant scientist - compare with Fairhead & Leach .]  download whole book from
Watts, M and McCarthy, J 1997 'Nature as artifice, nature as artifact: development, environment and modernity in the late twentieth century', in, Lee, R and Wills, J (eds) Geographies of Economies. London: Arnold

9 Oct Resource conflicts  / corporate misdeeds

Bridge, G. (2000) The Social Regulation of Resource Access and Environmental Impact: cases from the U.S. Copper Industry. Geoforum 31(2): 237-256 (sabio)

leBillon, P. 2001. The Political Ecology of War: Natural Resources and Armed Conflicts, Political Geography 20(5),  561-584.

leBillon, P. 2000. The Political Ecology of Transition in Cambodia 1989-1999: War, Peace and Forest Exploitation, Development and Change 31(4), 2000, 785-805.

Buckles, D. ed. 1999. Cultivating peace. Conflict and collaboration in natural resource management. Canada; IDRC. (useful local case studies)

Dalby, Simon 2002 Conflict, Ecology and the Politics of Environmental Security. Global Environmental Politics, Vol. 2 (4), p125-131(sabio) [review essay]

Dietz Tom 2001 Thinking about environmental conflicts. In Lisa M. Kadous (ed.). Celebrating Scholarship. Fairfax, Virginia: George Mason University.

Dundon, Alison. 2002. Mines and Monsters: A Dialogue on Development in Western Province, Papua New Guinea. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 2002 13(20): 139-154

Emel J, Kreuger R 2003 Spoken but not heard: the promise of the precautionary principle for natural resource development. Local Environment Vol. 8 Issue 1, p9, 17p (sabio) [mining in Montana]

Gedicks, Al. 2001. Foreword, Introduction: A World out of Balance and Chapter 1: Scouring the Globe, in Resources Rebels: Native Challenges to Mining and Oil Corporations. Cambridge, Massachusetts: South End Press, pp. vi-40

Gezon, LL 1997 Political ecology and conflict in ankarana, Madagascar, Ethnology 36 2 85-100 (e reserves)

Hvalkof, Soren. 2000. Outrage in Rubber and Oil: Extractivism, Indigenous Peoples and Justice in the Upper Amazon, in Charles Zerner (ed), People, Plants and Justice: The Politics of Nature Conservation New York: Columbia University Press, pp. 83-116

Peluso N and Watts MJ.  2001. Violent environments.  In Peluso N and Watts MJ. (eds) Violent Environments. Cornell University Press. (see other studies in this book, some mentioned in this section)

Ranjan, S. Ravi. 2001. Toward a Metaphysic of Environmental Violence: The Case of the Bhopal Gas Disaster, in Nancy Lee Peluso and Michael Watts (eds) Violent Environments. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp. 380-398. preprint

Robbins P 2000. The Rotten Institution: Corruption in Natural Resource Management Political Geography. 19(4): 423-443. (sabio)

Sponsel, Leslie E. 1997. The Master Thief: Gold Mining and Mercury Contamination in the Amazon, in Barbara Johnston (ed) Life and Death Matters: Human Rights and the Environment at the End of the Millenium. Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press, pp. 99-127

Unruh JD, Nikolas C. Heynen and Peter Hossler 2003/4 The political ecology of recovery from armed conflict: the case of landmines in Mozambique, Political geography fc (interesting GRD UofA grad!)

Watts MJ 2001. Petro-violence: community, extraction and political ecology of a mythic community. In Peluso N and Watts MJ. (eds) Violent Environments. Cornell University Press. (ereserves)

Watson, E , Richard Black, Elizabeth Harrison 1999 Reconstruction of natural resource management institutions in post-conflict situations: a framework for analysis. Marena project, Sussex. a project I was involved with at LSE - case study working papers from Colombia, S Africa, India and elsewhere. Tries to understand the political-economic roots of conflict and violence, paerticulalry at state level.


Some references on business activity

Bryant, R & Bailey, S. 1997. Business. Pp103-129 in Bryant, R & Bailey, S. Third World Political Ecology. Routledge.

Harris Gleckman, 1995. `Transnational Corporations' Strategic Responses to "Sustainable Development"', in Helge Ole Bergesen and Georg Parmann (eds),  Green Globe Yearbook (1995)(Oxford: Oxford University Press,), pp. 93-106

Peter Schwartz et al, `Modifying the Mandate of Existing Institutions: Corporations', in Irving M. Mintzer (ed.),  Confronting Climate Change: Risks, Implications and Responses (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), pp. 281-91

Thomas Andersson, 1991. `Multinational Firms and Pollution in Developing Countries', in Carl Folke and Tomas Kaberger (eds.), Linking the Natural Environment and the Economy (London: Kluwer,), pp. 237-52.

Bruno K, Joshua Karliner and China Brotsky 1999 Greenhouse Gangsters vs. Climate Justice. Transnational Resource & Action Center, San Francisco

Cairncross, F. 1995 ‘Business Opportunities and the Environment’, in Green, Inc. London: Earthscan,pp. 189-99.

ESRC GEC programme. 2000. Producing greener, consuming smarter.

Matthias Finger and James Kilcoyne, 1997. ‘Why Transnational Corporations are Organizing to “Save the Global Environment” The Ecologist (Vol. 27, No. 4, July/August), pp. 138-42

Rhys A. David (ed.), The Greening of Business (Aldershot: Gower, 1991).

Eden, S 1994. `Using Sustainable Development: The Business Case', Global Environmental Change (Vol. 4, No. 2, June), pp. 160-67.

Gray, R.H.  1994 `Corporate Reporting for Sustainable Development: Accounting for Sustainability in 2000 AD', Environmental Values (Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring), pp. 17-45.

Korten, David C. 1996. When Corporations Rule the World . London: Earthscan.  [a good read]

Leonard, Jeffrey H. 1988. Pollution and the Struggle for the World Product: Multinational Corporations, Environment, and International Comparative Advantage (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,).

Lovins, L H , Paul Hawken and A B Lovins 1999. Natural Capitalism: The Next Industrial Revolution. Earthscan.

Pearson, CS 1985. Down to Business: Multinational Corporations, the Environment and Development (Washington, DC: World Resources Institute Study 2, January).

Smith D (ed.), 1993. Business and the Environment: Implications of the New Environmentalism (London: Paul Chapman,).

Richard Welford and Richard Starkey (eds), 1996. The Earthscan Reader in Business and the Environment (London: Earthscan,).


 corporate watch -


15 October Political ecology  of  international development

Adams, W.M. (2002) Green Development: environment and sustainability, Routledge, London (second edition) (SB has copy, also library)

Arce, A and Long, N. (eds) 1999. Anthropology, Development and Modernities;  Exploring Discourse, Counter-Tendencies and Violence. London: Routledge.

Batterbury, SPJ. 1998. "Local Environmental Management, Land Degradation and the 'Gestion des Terroirs' Approach in West Africa; policies & pitfalls". Journal of International Development 10:871-898 (SB/sabio/ereserves)

Batterbury, S.P.J. 2004. The International Institute for Environment and Development: notes on a small office. Global Environmental Change. April. (not political ecology, but I though I would throw it in)

Edmunds, D. and Wollenberg, E. 2001 A Strategic Approach to Multistakeholder Negotiations. Development and Change, Vol. 32, No. 2., pp. 231-253 (sabio)

Klooster, D. 1999. Community Based Forestry in Mexico: Can it Reverse Processes of Forest Degradation? Land Degradation & Development 10(4) 365-382 [Special issue edited by Batterbury & Bebbington] (Sabio via journal homepage)

Moore Sally Falk. 2001 The international production of authoritative knowledge. Ethnography 2(2) 161-190 [a very good one - discussed in Watts, deals with how environmental knowledge gets imbricated with agencies and the state in W Africa) (sabio)

Sachs, W. 1999 Planet dialectics : explorations in environment and development. London, Zed (SB/library - problematizes development concepts)

Watts MJ 2002 Alternative modern - development as cultural geography. In Handbook of Cultural Geography, ed Anderson K et al. Sage. (Watts has a vast repertoire of such articles)


new material: Order and Disjuncture conference,

see paper by Rossi and any case study that interests you.


On sustainable development: (this is just a start)

Adams, WM. 2001. Green Development. Routledge (ch. 4 - Sustainable Development - the Rio machine  ch5)
Agyeman, J and Evans, B. (eds) 2003 Just Sustainabilities. Earthscan.

Auty, R., and K.Brown, 1997, (eds) Approaches to Sustainable Development, Pinter, London
Bartelmus, P. 1994 Environment, Growth and Development: The Concepts and Strategies of Sustainability. London: Routledge
Daly, Herman E.  1991. Steady-State Economics, Second Edition (Washington, DC: Island Press,), Chapter 13: `Sustainable Development: From Concept and Theory Toward Operational Principles', pp. 241-60
Dobson A 1996 Environmental Sustainabilities: An Analysis and a Typology. Environmental Politics, Vol 5 No 3,, pp.401-428.
Fernando, JL. 2003. Rethinking Sustainable Development. Special issue of the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. nov. (see Jude)

Lafferty, WM & Langhelle, O (eds) 1999 Towards Sustainable Development: On the goals of development – and the conditions of sustainability (London: McMillan).
Lele, Sharachchandra M. 1991 Sustainable Development: A Critical Review,  World Development (Vol. 19, No. 6, June), pp. 607-21
Middleton N, O'Keefe P. 2001. Redefining Sustainable Development. London: Pluto Press. (e reserves - chapters there)
O’Riordan, T. 2000. 'The sustainability debate'.Chapter 2, pp 29-62 in O’Riordan, T. Ed. Environmental Science for Environmental Management. Prentice Hall.
Redclift, M. 1992. `The Meaning of Sustainable Development',  Geoforum (Vol. 23, No. 3), pp. 395-403.
Redclift, M. 1992. `Sustainable Development and Popular Participation: A Framework for Analysis', in Dharam Ghai and Jessica M. Vivian (eds.), Grassroots Environmental Action: People Participation in Sustainable Development (London: Routledge), pp. 23-49.

Sneddon, C.S. 2000 “Sustainability” in Ecological Economics, Ecology and Livelihoods: A Review, Progress in Human Geography (Vol. 24, no. 4), pp. 521-549. (sabio)
Stone, P. 2003. Special journal issue -
Is sustainability for development anthropologists? Human Organization.  Vol. 62, Iss. 2;  pg. 93 (sabio)

Wapner, Paul.2003. World Summit on Sustainable Development: Toward a Post-Jo'burg Environmentalism.  Global Environmental Politics, 3 (1) 1-10 (sabio)

Worster, D. 1993. The Shaky Ground of Sustainability. In Sachs, W. Global Ecology. London: Zed. 


(ii) UNCED (Rio conference) and after:

Adams, WM 2001 Green Development . London: Routledge
W. N Adger, TA. Benjaminsen, K Brown, et al 2001 Advancing a Political Ecology of Global Environmental Discourses. Development and Change 32 4 (sabio)
Beck, Ulrich, 1995. Ecological Problems in an Age of Risk. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Brown, L R 1999 State of the World 2000. London: Earthscan
Brown, K., 1997, 'Development and the Environment: Rio Plus Five', edited Policy Arena in Journal of International Development, 9.3, pp383-425
Conca, K. 1995 ‘Greening the United Nations  Environmental Organisations and the UN System’, Third World Quarterly (Vol. 16, No. 3,), pp. 441-57. 
Chatterjee, P. and M. Finger (eds.), 1994 The Earth Brokers: Power, Politics and World Development (London: Routledge,).
Dalby, S. 1996 ‘Reading Rio, Writing the World: The New York Times and the Earth Summit’,  Political Geography (Vol. 15, Nos. 6-7,), pp. 593-613. (sabio)
Easterbrook, G. 1995 A Moment on the Earth: The Coming Age of Environmental Optimism (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books,).
  IDS Bulletin: Globalisation and the Governance of the Environment, vol 30 no 3, July1999. whole issue.
IIED 'Rio ten years on' documents (see  'the future is now')
Kolk,A 1998 From Conflict to Cooperation: International Policies to Protect the Brazilian Amazon. World Development Volume 26, Issue 8 Pages 1481-1493 (sabio)
Osborn, D and Bigg, T 1998 Earth Summit II. London Earthscan.
Reed D 2002 Poverty and the environment: Can sustainable development survive globalization? Natural Resources Forum Volume 26 Issue 3 176-184

Roddick, J 1997, Earth Summit north and south: Building a safe house in the winds of change, Global Environmental Change (Vol. 7, No. 7, pp. 147-165). [SABIO]
Spector, B. I. et al (eds.), 1994. Negotiating International Regimes: Lessons Learned from the UNCED (London: Graham and Trotman,).
Vogler, J. 2000. The Global Commons. Environmental and Technological Governance. Chichester: Wiley.


Linkages: International Institute for Sustainable Development.  Information on all international agreements and sustainable development.

Various books now deal with the Earth Summit II and its failures.

Development Banks

Adams, P. 1991Odious Debts: Loose Lending, Corruption and the Third World's Environmental Legacy London: Earthscan
Agarwal, A, S Narain & A Sharma. 1999 The Polluter Says Principle – the GEF.  in Agarwal, A et al ed. Green Politics: Global Environmental Negotiations 1. Centre for Science and Environment, India. Chapter summaries at

Bryant, R & Bailey, S. 1997. Multilateral Institutions. Pp76-102 In Bryant, R & Bailey, S. Third World Political Ecology. London: Routledge
Chambers, R. 1997. Whose Reality Counts? IT Books. [material on the Greening of the World Bank].
Herman Daly, 1994 `Fostering Environmentally Sustainable Development: Four Parting Suggestions for the World Bank' Ecological Economics (Vol. 10, No. 3, August), pp. 183-87. [mc HC79.E5]
Herman E. Daly 1994 Farewell Lecture To the World Bank. January 14.
Susan George and Fabrizio Sabelli, 1994  Faith and Credit: The World Bank's Secular Empire (London: Penguin,).
Robert O. Keohane and Marc A. Levy (eds), 1996 Institutions for Environmental Aid (London: The MIT Press,)

Redclift, M.R. (1995) The environment and structural adjustment; lessons for policy interventions in the 1990s, Journal of Environmental Management, 44, 55-68
D. Reed (ed.), 1996 Structural Adjustment, the Environment, and Sustainable Development. London: Earthscan
Rich,B 1994 ‘The Cuckoo in the Nest: Fifty Years of Political Meddling by the World Bank’, The  Ecologist 24, No. 1, pp. 8-13
Rich, B  1994`The Castle of Contradictions', in Bruce Rich,  Mortgaging the Earth: The World Bank, Environmental Impoverishment and the Crisis of Development (London: Earthscan,).
Wade, R. 1997. Greening the Bank: the struggle over the Environment 1970-1995. In Kapur, D, Lewis J, Webb R (eds.) The World Bank; its first half century, vol 2. Brookings Institution press.  pp611-734

Wade, R. search on his more recent articles..
World Bank’s environmental strategy on their website.
Young Z and Boehmer-Christiansen S. 1997. ‘The Global Environment Facility: An Institutional Innovation in Need of Guidance?’. Environmental Politics, Vol 6 No 1 pp.193-202.
Jacob Werksman (ed), 1996 Greening International Institutions (London: Earthscan,), Part III.
Maurice J. Williams and Patti L. Petesch, 1993 Sustaining the Earth: Role of Multilateral Development Institutions (Washington, DC: Overseas Development Council
World Bank and the Environment: Annual Report (Washington, DC: World Bank, various years). see
World Bank, World Development Report 1992, Development and the Environment. Washington, DC: The World Bank
World Bank, 2000. Environmental Strategy

30 Oct. Conservation and co-management
Adams, WM 1996.  Conservation and Development. In Adams WM, Goudie, AS and Orme AR The Physical Geography of Africa pp367-382 (e reserves)

Adams, W.M. and Mulligan, M. (2003) (eds.) Decolonising Nature: strategies for conservation in a postcolonial era, Earthscan, London. (chapters go from Australia to
Agrawal, A. and Gibson, C.C. 1999 Enchantment and Disenchantment: The role of community in natural resource conservation. World Development, Vol. 27, NO. 4, pp. 629-649. (sabio)
Alexander J.; McGregor J. Wildlife and Politics: CAMPFIRE in Zimbabwe Development and Change, June 2000, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 605-627 (sabio)
Baland, J and Platteau, J-P 1996 Halting Degradation of Natural Resources. Oxford: Clarendon Press and FAO  [ Introduction; Chapter 13; General Conclusion]   download from
Barrow, E, Gichohi H, Infield M. 2000 Rhetoric or Reality? A review of Community conservation policy and practice in E Africa,. Evaluating Eden series 5. London: IIED. (SB)
Batterbury, SPJ. 1998.
Local Environmental Management, Land Degradation and the ‘Gestion des Terroirs’ Approach in West Africa; policies & pitfalls” Journal of International Development 10:871‑898 (sabio/ private reserves)
Borrini-Feyerabend, G., Farvar, M.T., Nguinguiri, J.C. and Ndangang, V.A. 2001 Co-management of natural resources: Organising, negotiating and learning-by-doing. GTZ and IUCN. Heidelberg: Kasparek Verlag (This volume is designed to assist conservation and development professionals involved in multi-stakeholder management of natural resources)
Brechin SR, et al, 2003. Contested Nature: Promoting International Biodiversity with Social Justice in the Twenty-first Century. SUNY Press. details (includes ecotourism)

Brockington, D. 2002. Fortress Conservation. The preservation of the Mkomazi Game Reserve. James Currey, African Issues series. Oxford

Community Conservation in Africa working papers
IIED Policies that Work for forests and people series.
Duffy, R. 2000. Killing for Conservation: Wildlife policy in Zimbabwe. Oxford: James Currey.
Evans, P. 1996 Government Action, Social Capital, and Development: Reviewing the evidence on synergy. World Development, Vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 1119-1132

Fearnside P 2003 Conservation Policy in Brazilian Amazonia: Understanding the Dilemmas, World Development 31, 5, 757-923 (sabio)

Gray, L. 2002. Environmental policy, land rights, and conflict: rethinking community natural resource management programs in Burkina Faso. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 20, pages 167 - 182 (privatereserves)

Hasler, R. 1999. An Overview of the Social, Ecological and Economic Achievements and Challenges of Zimbabwe’s CAMPFIRE programme. Evaluating Eden Series Discussion Paper 3. London: IIED
Holmes, T and Scoones, I. 2000. Participatory Environmental Policy Processes: experiences from North and South, IDS Working Paper 113, Brighton: IDS (
Analyses 35 case studies where states have created space for participatory environmental policy. Looks at various approaches, known collectively as ‘deliberative inclusionary processes

Igoe, J. 2004. Conservation and Globalization: A Study of National Parks and Indigenous Communities from East Africa to South Dakota. Wadsworth. (3 chapters in mail room)
Klooster, D. 2000 Institutional Choice, Community, and Struggle: A case study of forest co-management in Mexico. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 1-20. (sabio)
Leach, M., Mearns, R. and Scoones, I. 1997 Institutions, Consensus and Conflict: Implications for policy and practice. In Leach, M., Mearns, R. and Scoones, I. (eds.) Community-Based Sustainable Development: Consensus or Conflict? (IDS Bulletin Volume 28, No 4)
Leach, M, Mearns, R and Scoones, I 1999, ‘Environmental Entitlements: Dynamics and Institutions in Community Based Natural Resource Management, World Development Vol 27 No 2 (sabio)
Mehta, L, Melissa Leach, Peter Newell, Ian Scoones, K. Sivaramakrishnan, Sally-Anne Way. Exploring Understandings of Institutions and Uncertainty: New  Directions in Natural Resource Management IDS  Discussion Paper 372, November 1999 download
Logan B. I and William G. Moseley 2002 The political ecology of poverty alleviation in Zimbabwe's Communal Areas Management Programme for Indigenous Resources (CAMPFIRE) . Geoforum 33 (1) 1-14 (sabio)
Neumann, RP. 1997 Primitive Ideas: protected area buffer zones and the politics of land in Africa. Development & Change 28 3 559-82 (sabio)

Neumann, R.P. 1992. "The Political Ecology of Wildlife Conservation in Meru National Park, Tanzania." Land Degradation and Rehabilitation, 3:85-98
Ostrom, E. 1996 Crossing the Great Divide: Coproduction, synergy and development. World Development, Vol. 24, 6: 1073-1087. (With cases from Brazil (urban infrastructure) and Nigeria (education). The economist’s approach to coproduction) (sabio)
Peluso, N 1993 Coercing Conservation: the politics of state resource control. In The State and Social Power in Global Environmental Politics. Eds Lifschultz & Conca. Columbia University Press. (e reserves)
Peluso, N 1992 Rich Forests, Poor People: resource control and resistance in Java. Berkeley: University of California Press
Rangan, R 1997 ‘Property vs Control: The State and Forest Management in the Indian Himalaya’, Development and Change, 28, 1 pp 71-94
Robbins P 1998 ‘Authority and Environment: Institutional Landscapes in Rajasthan, India’  Annals of the Association of American Geographers Vol 88 (3) 410-435 (sabio)
Robbins. 2000. “The Rotten Institution: Corruption in Natural Resource Management” Political Geography. 19(4): 423-443. (sabio)

Robbins. P. 2001. "Tracking Invasive Land Covers in India or Why Our Landscapes Have Never Been Modern." Annals of the Association of American Geographers . 2001. 91(4): 637-654
Schroeder R.A 1999 Geographies of environmental intervention in Africa. Progress in Human Geography, Vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 359-378 (sabio)
Robinson, C. (2001) ‘Working towards regional agreements: recent developments in co-operative resource management in Canada’s British Colombia’ Australian Geographical Studies 39(2):183-197

Stocking, M and Perkin, S 1992 ‘Conservation-with-development: an application of the concept in the Usambara Mountains’. Transactions of the
Institute of British Geographers, 17  pp 337-49
Stocking M, Perkin S, Brown K. 1995. Coexisting with Nature in a Developing World. In People and the Environment ed Stocking M & Morse S . UCL Press. 155-185

Sundberg J 1998. Strategies for Authenticity, Space, and Place in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Petén, Guatemala. Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers Yearbook 1998Vol 24:85-96.

Sundberg J 2003 Conservation and democratization: constituting citizenship in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala, Political Geography  22 (7) 715-740 (sabio)
Thorburn, C.C. 2000 Changing Customary Marine Resource Management Practice and Institutions: The case of Sasi Lola in the Kei Islands, Indonesia. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 8, pp. 1461-1479 (sabio)
Toulmin, C. and Quan, J. (eds) 2000 Evolving land rights, policy and tenure in Africa. DFID/IIED/NRI, London (SB) (review
Watts, M. Contested Communities, Malignant Markets, and Gilded Governance: Justice, resource extraction, and conservation in the tropics. In Zerner, C. 2000. People Plants and Justice. The Politics of Nature Conservation, pp. 1-51. New York: Colombia University Press.
(review - in Land Deg and Devt?)

Wolmer W 2002 Transboundary Conservation: The Politics of Ecological Integrity in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park,   (Full-text PDF) Sustainable Livelihoods in Southern Africa paper, IDS

Woodhouse, P, Hulme, D & Bernstein, H. (eds) 2001. African Enclosures? The social dynamics of land and water use. Oxford: James Currey. (chapter 1 is important - I have it)

Woodhouse, P 2003 African Enclosures: A Default Mode of Development . World Development 31, 10, 1705-1720
Zerner, C. (ed.) 2000 People, Plants, and Justice: The politics of nature conservation. New York: Columbia University Press (very good collection)

Zimmerer, K.S. 2000 The reworking of conservation geographies: nonequilibrium landscapes and nature-society hybrids. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 90 2, pp. 356–369.


CAMPFIRE (Communal Areas Management Programme for Indigenous) (Organisation that promotes community-based wildlife conservation as it believes that “Wildlife, in fact, is the most economically and ecologically sound land use in much of Zimbabwe)


6 nov. West/South West PE

Bridge, G. (2003) Local Dirt, Global Dreams: mining investment and land use change in Arizona. Local Environment 8(1) 61-83 (sabio)

Brogden M and Greenberg J 2003 The fight for the west : a political ecology of land use conflicts in Arizona. Human Organization 62 3 289-

Curtin C 2002 Integration of science and community based conservation in the Mexico-US borderlands. ConservatonBiology 16 4 880-886

Ensor BE, Ensor MO, De Vries GW. 2003 Hohokam political ecology and vulnerability: Comments on Waters and Ravesloot. AMERICAN ANTIQUITY 68 (1): 169-181

Emel J, Kreuger R 2003 Spoken but not heard: the promise of the precautionary principle for natural resource development. Local Environment Vol. 8 (1), 9- (sabio) [mining in Montana]

Espeland, WN 1998 The Struggle for Water: Politics, Rationality, and Identity in the American Southwest. Chicago Series in Law and Society . Chicago University Press. (about the failed Orme Dam plan)

Greenberg, James B.1998 The Tragedy of Commoditization: Political Ecology of the Colorado River Delta's Destruction. Research in Economic Anthropology 19:133-149.

Hackenberg RA, N Benequista. 2001. The future of an imagined community: Trailer parks, tree huggers, and trinational forces collide in the southern Arizona borderlands. Human Organization.  60, 2; p. 153 (actually an urban study of Benson AZ) (sabio)

Kuletz V. 2001. Invisible spaces, violent places. Cold War nuclear and militarized landscapes.  In Peluso N and Watts MJ. (eds) Violent Environments. Cornell University Press. 237-260 (e reserves)

Kuletz, V. 1998. The tainted desert: environmental ruin in the American West New York: Routledge.

McCarthy J   2001. States of nature and environmental enclosures in the American West.  In Peluso N and Watts MJ. (eds) Violent Environments. Cornell University Press. 117-145

McCarthy, J. 2002.  First World Political Ecology:  Lessons from the Wise Use Movement.  Environment and Planning A, vol. 34, pp. 1281-1302.

Robinson, C. (2001) ‘Working towards regional agreements: recent developments in co-operative resource management in Canada’s British Colombia’ Australian Geographical Studies 39(2):183-197

Sheridan, Thomas E. 1988 Where the dove calls : the political ecology of a peasant corporate community in northwestern Mexico. Tucson : University of Arizona Press
Sheridan, Thomas E 1995 Arizona: The Political Ecology of a Desert State Journal of Political Ecology 2     (interesting ruminations)

Sheridan, Thomas E 2001 Cows, Condos, and the Contested Commons: The Political Ecology of Ranching on the Arizona-Sonora Borderlands. Human Organization 60(2) [Despite the rapid urbanization of the Arizona-Sonora borderlands, cattle ranching continues to play a major, if increasingly contested, political, economic, and ecological role in the region. ] (sabio/privatereserves)

Stroshane, T. 2003. Water and technological politics in California. Capitalism Nature Socialism 54:34-76 (good local case) (copy in mailroom)

Walker, Peter A., and Louise P. Fortmann. 2003. Whose landscape?  A political ecology of the 'exurban' Sierra. Cultural Geographies (formerly Ecumene)10 (3). (sabio)

Walker, Peter A. 2003. Reconsidering regional political ecologies: toward a political ecology of the rural American West. Progress in Human Geography 27 (1). (sabio)


Not actually in the SW ....Andrew Salvador Mathews  2003 Suppressing Fire and Memory: Environmental Degradation and Political Restoration in the Sierra Juárez of Oaxaca, 1887–2001  Environmental History 8 1


13 Nov. PE of Water

Adams, W.M., Watson, E.E. and Mutiso, S.K. 1997. Water, Rules and Gender: Water Rights in an Indigenous Irrigation System, Marawet, Kenya. Development and Change, 28: 707-730. (sabio)

Bakker, K. (1999) “The politics of hydropower: Developing the Mekong” Political Geography 18(2), 209– 232. (sabio or

Bakker, K. and D. Hemson (2000) “Privatising water: Hydropolitics in the new South Africa” South African Journal of Geography 82 (1), 3 12.

Barton JR, Staniford D  1998. Net deficits and the case for aquacultural geography. Area 30 (2): 145-155 (sabio)

de Castro F , DG McGrath. 2003 Moving toward sustainability in the local management of floodplain lake fisheries in the Brazilian Amazon. Human Organization. 62, 2;123 - (sabio)

Cleaver, F. 2000 Moral ecological rationality, institutions and the management of common property resources. Development and Change, Vol. 31, 361-383 (sabio)(Takes critical view of institutional-economistic approaches to CPR management. With case study on water management in Zimbabwe)

Derman B, A Ferguson 2003 Political Ecology and water reform in S Africa. Human Organization 62 (3):  277- (sabio)

Espeland, WN 1998 The Struggle for Water: Politics, Rationality, and Identity in the American Southwest. Chicago Series in Law and Society . Chicago University Press. (about the failed Orme Dam plan)

Fisher, William F. 2001. Diverting Water: Revisiting the Sardar Sarovar Project. Water Resources Development 17(3): 303-314. (? sabio)

Flaherty, Mark and Peter Vandergeest. 1999. A Political Ecology of Shrimp Aquaculture in Thailand. Rural Sociology 64(4): 573-596. (?sabio)
Glennon R. 2002 Water Follies: Groundwater Pumping and the Fate of America's Fresh Waters. Island Press. review

Guldbrandsen, Thaddeus C. and Holland, Dorothy, C. 2001. Encounters with the super-citizen: neoliberalism, environmental activism, and the American Heritage Rivers Initiative. Anthropological Quarterly 74(3): 124-134 (ereserves)

Johnson, BR. 2003. Political ecology of water. Capitalism, Nature, Socialism 55. (ereserves/SB/mailroom)

Loftus A, MacDonald DA 2001 Of liquid dreams: a political ecology of water privatization in Buenos Aires.  Environment and Urbanization 13(2) 182-  (sallie marston's pod, or check sabio)

Marcus Moench 2002 Water and the potential for social instability: Livelihoods, migration and the building of society Natural Resources Forum 26 3: 195-204 (sabio)

Natural Resources Forum special issue on fresh water May 2003 - Volume 27 Issue 2 Page 87-176 (Sabio)

Page, B. 2003. Communities as the agents of commodification: the Kumbo Water Authority in Northwest Cameroon, Geoforum 34 4 Pages 483-498 (sabio)

Sharpe, N. (1998) Handing on the right to fish: the law of the land and cross-cultural co-operation in a gulf community in Australia.  Pacific Conservation Biology Vol.4: 95-104

Smith L 2002  The Urban Political Ecology of Water in Cape Town, South Africa.  municipal services project, Queens University

Stroshane, T. 2003. Water and technological politics in California. Capitalism Nature Socialism 54:34-76 (good local case) (copy in mailroom)

Swyngedouw, E. 1999. Modernity and hybridity: nature, regeneracionismo, and the production of the Spanish waterscape, 1890-1930 Annals of the Association of American Geographers 89(3) (sabio)

Swyngedouw, E. , M. Kaïka, E. Castro 2002. Urban water: a political-ecology perspective.  Built Environment  28, (2) pp. 124-137 (private reserves)

Thorburn, C.C. 2000 Changing Customary Marine Resource Management Practice and Institutions: The case of Sasi Lola in the Kei Islands, Indonesia. World Development, 28 (8), 1461-1479 (sabio)

20 November. Environmental movements
Adams WM 2001. Green Development. Routledge.
Arce, A and Long, N. (eds) 1999. Anthropology, Development and Modernities;  Exploring Discourse, Counter-Tendencies and Violence. London: Routledge.
Baruah, B 1999. The Narmada Valley Project: displacement of local populations and impact on women. Natural Resources Forum, Vol. 23, No. 1: 81-84.

Batterbury and Fernando on Escobar (private reserves)
Harvey, D. 1999 The Environment of Justice. In Fisher F. and Hajer M.A. (eds.) Living with Nature: Environmental Politics as Cultural Discourse. New York: Oxford University Press.
Castells, M 1997 The Power of Identity. Oxford: Blackwell (the classic author on new social movements. see Ch. 3 )
Chambers, R. 1997 Whose Reality Counts? Putting the first last. London: Intermediate Technology Publications.
Chatterjee, P. and M. Finger (eds.), 1994 The Earth Brokers: Power, Politics and World Development (London: Routledge,).
Doornbos, M., Saith, A. and White, B. 2000 Forest Lives and Struggles: An introduction. Development and Change, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 1-10. (sabio. introduction to special issue of Development and Change on the ‘contested space’ of forests. Good case studies.)
Dowie, M 1995 Losing Ground: American Environmentalism At the End of the Twentieth Century. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Dwived, Ranjit (1999). Displacement, risks and resistance: Local perceptions and actions on the Sardar Sarovar (Gujarat), India. Development and Change 30(1)(January) (sabio)
Escobar, Arturo 1998 Whose Knowledge, Whose Nature? Biodiversity, Conservation, and the Political Ecology of Social  Movements Journal of Political Ecology
Escobar, Arturo 199
6   chapter in Peet R and Watts MJ Liberation Ecologies Routledge
Escobar, Arturo 1999 After Nature: Steps to an Anti-essentialist Political Ecology. Current Anthropology 40(1): 1-30.
Fisher, William H. (1994). Megadevelopment, environmentalism, and resistance: the institutional context of Kayapo indigenous politics in central Brazil. Human Organization 53(3): 220-232.
Friedmann, J. and Rangan, H. (eds.): 1993. Defense of Livelihood: Comparative Studies on Environmental Action. Kumarian Press West Hartford, Connecticut
Ghai, D. and Vivian, J.M. (eds.) 1992 Grassroots environmental action : people's participation in sustainable development. New York: Routledge.
 Guldbrandsen, Thaddeus C. and Holland, Dorothy, C. 2001. Encounters with the super-citizen: neoliberalism, environmental activism, and the American Heritage Rivers Initiative. Anthropological Quarterly 74(3): 124-134 (
Holmes, T and Scoones, I. 2000. Participatory Environmental Policy Processes: experiences from North and South, IDS Working Paper 113, Brighton: IDS
Kothari, S. and Parajuli, P. 1993 No Nature without Social Justice: A plea for cultural and ecological pluralism in India. In Sachs, W. (ed.) Global Ecology: A new arena of political conflict. London: Zed. 
Larana, E et al, eds 1994 New Social Movements: From Ideology to Identity. Philadelphia: Temple University Press
Paehlke, Robert and Rosenau, Pauline V. 1993. Environment/Equity: Tensions in North American Politics. Policy Studies Journal 21(4): 672-686.

McCarthy, J. 2002.  First World Political Ecology:  Lessons from the Wise Use Movement.  Environment and Planning A, vol. 34, pp. 1281-1302. (library/sabio)

Mackenzie A.F.D.; Dalby S.2003 Moving Mountains: Community and Resistance in the Isle of Harris, Scotland, and Cape Breton, Canada. Antipode 35 (2): 309-333 (sabio)

Mehta, L. 1997 Water, Difference and Power: Kutch and the Sardar Sarovar (Narmada) Project. IDS Working Paper 54. Download
Pulido, Laura. 1996. Subaltern Environmental Struggles. in Environmentalism and Economic Justice: Two Chicano Struggles in the Southwest. University of Arizona Press: Tucson.
Rangan, Priya. 2000 Of Myth and Movements, London, Verso. (Chipko, India)
Rangan, H 1996 ‘From Chipko to Uttaranchal’, in, Peet, R and Watts, M, eds., Liberation Ecologies,

Sangvai, Sanjay 2000.  The River and Life: People’s Struggle in the Narmada Valley. Earth Care Books, Mumbai, India.
Steinmetz, G 1994 Regulation Theory, Post-Marxism and the New Social Movements, Comparative Studies in Society and History, 36, 1 pp 176-212
Wall, D. 1999 Earth First! Radical Environmentalism and comparative social movements. Routledge.
Wapner, P 1995 ‘Politics beyond the state: environmental activism and world civic politics’, World Politics, April: 311-340
Watts, M. 2000 Contested Communities, Malignant Markets, and Gilded Governance: Justice, resource extraction, and conservation in the tropics. In Zerner, C. People Plants and Justice. The Politics of Nature Conservation, pp. 1-51. New York: Colombia University Press.
(reviewed - in Land Deg and Devt?)
Yearley, S. 1994 Social Movements and Environmental Change. Social Theory and the Global Environment. Eds Redclift M, Benton,T. Routledge. (e reserves)


Urban PE

Agyeman J, Robert D. Bullard and Bob Evans (eds.) 2003 JUST SUSTAINABILITIES: DEVELOPMENT IN AN UNEQUAL WORLD. MIT Press.

Bullard, R. undated. Environmental justice in the 21st century.

Fitzpatrick, K.; LaGory, M 2002 Cities as mosaics of risk and protection.  Unhealthy Places: The Ecology of Risk in the Urban Landscape, pp. 107-132. NY: RoutledgeGandy, M. 2002 Concrete and Clay, MIT Press (water supply to New York - widely reviewed)

Heynen N 2003 The Scalar Production of Injustice within the Urban Forest. Antipode: A Journal of Radical Geography

Keil, R; Desfor, G 2003 Ecological Modernisation in Los Angeles and Toronto. Local Environment,  8 1, p27-45 (sabio)

Lake, R., S. Hanson, S. Bagchi-Sen, R. Cline-Cole, J. DeFilippis, M. Douglass, J. Emel, R. Johns, V. Lawson, M. Leaf, R. Leichenko, S. Marston, T. McGee, K. Pandit, S. Pincetl, R. Schroeder, E. Sheppard & M. Waterstone. 2000. Towards a comprehensive geographical perspective on urban sustainability. Final Report of the 1998 NSF Workshop on Urban Sustainability. Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. 29pp

Myers, GA. 1999. Political Ecology and urbanization: Zanzibar`s construction materials industry. J Modern African Studies 37 1 83-108 (elec.reserves)

Robbins, P. 2002.  Obstacles to a First World Political Ecology?  Looking near without looking up.  Environment and Planning A, vol. 34, pp. 1509-1513. (box in mailroom)

Robbins P and Sharp. 2003. (Forthcoming). “Producing and Consuming Chemicals: The Moral Economy of the American Lawn Economic Geography. (copies of journal in Simon's pod)

Robbins P and Birkenholtz. 2003. Turfgrass Revolution: Measuring the Expansion of the American Lawn Land Use Policy. 20: 181-194.  (sabio)

Robbins, P. Polderman, and Birkenholtz. 2001. “Lawns and Toxins: an Ecology of the City” Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning . 18(6): 369-380. (copies in Simon's pod or Sabio)

Urban Political Ecology, Justice and the Politics of Scale
Swyngedouw E.; Heynen N.C.
Antipode, November 2003, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 898-918

Smith L 2002  The Urban Political Ecology of Water in Cape Town, South Africa.  municipal services project, Queens University
Swyngedouw E.  and N. Heynen 2003 special issue on Urban Political Ecology in Advanced Capitalist Countries  In press in Antipode: A Journal of Radical Geography (sabio)


Other stuff we are not covering this year:


Collective action

The new institutional approach to explain collective action (Ostrom). Conditions for collective action. Critiques from social sciences.

Baland, J and Platteau, J-P 1996 Halting Degradation of Natural Resources. Oxford: Clarendon Press and FAO  [RR: Introduction; Chapter 13; General Conclusion]   download from
Beck, T. and Nesmith, C. 2001 Building on Poor People’s Capacities: The Case of common property resources in India and Africa. World Development, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 119-133 (sabio)
Berkes, F (ed) 1989  Common Property Resources: ecology of community-based sustainable development. London: Bellhaven
Berkes, F. 1999. Sacred Ecology: Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Resource Management. Ann Arbour: Taylor and Francis
Berkes F and Folke C eds. 1998. Linking social and ecological systems : management practices and social mechanisms Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press
Cardenas, J.C. and Stranlund, J. 2000 Local Environmental Control and Institutional Crowding-Out. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 10, pp. 1719-1733  (sabio)

Hardin, G. 1968 `The Tragedy of the Commons', Science (Vol. 162, 13 December), pp. 1243-.]
.  (The classic – and much criticised – article for private control over natural resources)
Hardin's, G. 1998 ‘Extensions of "The Tragedy of the Commons"’ Science 280, Number 5364, pp. 682 – 683.  

Hulme D and Murphree M.  2001 (eds) African Wildlife & Livelihoods;   the promise and performance of community conservation.  James Currey (I have it)
Hesse, C & P Trench. 2000. WHo's Managing the COmmons? IIED Securing the Commons series.
deJanvry, A, Gardillo,  G., Platteau, J.-P. and Sadoulet, E. (eds.) 2001 Access to Land, Rural Poverty, and Public Action. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lane CR  (ed) 1997. Custodians of the Commons Pastoral Land Tenure in East and West Africa. Earthscan

Morrow, C and Watts Hull, R 1996 ‘Donor-Initiated Common Pool Resource Institutions: The Case of the Yanesha Forestry Cooperative’, World Development, 24, 10 pp 1641-1657
Mosse, D. 1997 The Symbolic Making of a Common Property Resource: History, ecology and locality in a tank-irrigation landscape in South India. Development and Change, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 467-504.  (sabio)
Ostrom, E. 1990 Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action. New York: Cambridge University Press. Chapter 3  (See also Chapter 6 : pp182-216 &242-244)    (e reserves)
Ostrom, E. 1999 Coping with Tragedies of the Commons forthcoming Annual Review of Political Science or download from
Ostrom E, Burger J, Field C, Norgaard R, Policansky D. 1999. Revisiting the Commons; local lessons, global challenges. Science 284 (Apr 9) p278-282.
Ostrom, E., Stern P.C., Diet, T., Dulsak, N. and Stonich, S. (eds.) 2002 The Drama of the Commons: Understanding Common Pool Resource Management. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. (online -
Richards, M 1997 ‘Common Property Resource Institutions and Forest Management in Latin America’, Development and Change, 28, 1 pp 95-118
Robbins P, 1998 ‘Authority and Environment: Institutional Landscapes in Rajasthan, India’  Annals of the Association of American Geographers Vol 88 (3) 410-435 (critique of the institutional approach that views individual choice and action as embedded in communities and cultures. In this article, Robbins compares local and central-state institutions in environmental management (desert grass and shrub in Rajasthan), and concludes that the location of enforcement (local or state) is less significant than the breadth of authority forms controlling the resource)
Uphoff, N. and Wijayaratna, C.M.  2000 Demonstrated Benefits from Social Capital: The productivity of farmer organizations in Gal Oya, Sri Lanka. World Development, Vol. 28, No. 11, pp. 1875-1890.  (Social capital as an alternative explanation of collective action? Case study on irrigation management in Sri Lanka.) (sabio)
Wade, R 1988 Village Republics: economic conditions for collective action in south India. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press


.Agarwal, B 1992 'The gender and environment debate: lessons from India', Feminist Studies 18, 1 pp 119-158 (an abridged version is in: R Keil et al., eds, Political Ecology: Global and Local. Routledge 1998)
Agarwal, B 1997 'Environmental Action, Gender Equity and Women's Participation', Development and Change, 28, 1 pp 1-44 (sabio)
Agarwal, B. 1994. A Field of One's Own: Gender and Land Rights in South Asia Cambridge: C.U.P.
Buckingham-Hatfield, Susan. 2000. Gender and environment. London : Routledge. (basic intro. Sue is visiting here in March.)
Carney, J 1996 'Converting the Wetlands, Engendering the Environment', in Peet, R and Watts, M, eds., Liberation Ecologies
Carney, J. and M. Watts 1990 'Manufacturing Dissent: Work, Gender and the Politics of Meaning in a Peasant Society' Africa 60.2
Cleaver F 2001. Institutional bricolage, conflict and cooperation in Usangu, Tanzania. IDS Bulletin 32 4
Davison, J. (ed) 1988. Agriculture, Women and Land: The African Experience Boulder: Westview)
Hart, G. 1991`Engendering Everyday Resistance: Gender, Patronage and Production Politics in Rural Malaysia' Journal of Peasant Studies 19.1
Jackson, C. 1995. Environmental Reproduction and gender in the third world. In Morse, S & Stocking, M. (eds) People & Environment. UCL Press. 109-130.
Jackson, C 1993 'Doing what comes naturally? Women and Environment in Development', World Development, 23, 6, pp 1007-1022 (sabio)
Jackson, C 1993 'Environmentalisms and gender interests in the Third World', Development and Change, 24 649-677 (sabio?)
Jewitt, S 2000 Unequal Knowledges in Jharkhand, India: De-romanticizing women’s agroecological expertise. Development and Change, Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 961-986 (sabio)
Joekes, S et al 1994 'Gender, environment and population', Development and Change, 25, 1, 137-65 (sabio)
Leach, M, Joekes, S and Green, C (eds) 1995 Gender Relations and Environmental Change. IDS Bulletin Vol 26, No 1 (ereserves)
Leach, M 1991 'Engendered environments: understanding natural resource management in the West African forest zone', IDS Bulletin, 22, 4, 17-24 Leach, M 1994 Rainforest relations: gender and resource use among the Mende of Gola, Sierra Leone. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press for the International African Institute.
Locke, C. 1999 Constructing a Gender Policy for Joint Forest Management in India, Development and Change, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 265-285   (sabio)
Mackintosh, M. 1989 Gender, Class and Rural Transition: Agribusiness and the Food Crisis in Senegal London: Zed
Mackenzie, F. 1993. 'Exploring the Connections - Structural Adjustment, Gender and the Environment' Geoforum 24.1
Moore H and M.Vaughan. 1994. Cutting Down Trees London:James Currey (classic,on Zambia)
Dianne Rocheleau & Thomas-Slayter, Barbara P. 1995. Gender, environment, and development in Kenya : a grassroots perspective. Boulder : L. Rienner,
Rocheleau, Dianne, Barbara Thomas-Slayter, and Esther Wangari. Feminist political ecology : global issues and local experience. London: Routledge. (chaps 1, 13 copied)
Rocheleau, D . 2001 Complex communities and relational webs: uncertainty, surprise and transformation in Machakos. IDS Bulletin 32 4 (on order)
Richard A. Schroeder 1999 Shady Practices: Agroforestry and Gender Politics in The Gambia, Berkeley: University of California Press (reviewed -
Sass, J. 2002. Women, Men, and Environmental Change: The Gender Dimensions of Environmental Policies and Programs. Population Reference Bureau.
Schroeder, R and Suryanata, K 1996 'Gender and Class Power in Agroforestry Systems', in Peet, R and Watts, M, eds., Liberation Ecologies

Journals: Gender & Development (download, electronic journals); BRIDGE gender and development resources at IDS ( ; Gender and Society;  Gender, Place and Culture - A Journal of Feminist Geography

Boyd, C. and Slaymaker, T. 2000 Re-Examining the ‘More People Less Erosion’ Hypothesis: Special case or wider trend? ODI Natural Resource Perspectives, No. 63.
Landis MacKellar, F et al 1998 ‘Population and climate change’, in, Rayner, S and Malone, E eds Human Choice and Climate Change Vol.1 The Societal Framework. Columbus, Ohio: The Battelle Press
Smil, V. 2000 Feeding the World: A challenge for the twenty-first century. Cambridge MA: The MIT Press 

Mortimore M & Tiffen M 1994 'Population Growth and a Sustainable Environment' Environment Vol 36 (8) Oct, pp 10-32 (library electronic)

Tiffen, M 1995 Population Density, Economic Growth and Societies in Transition: Boserup revisited in a Kenyan Case Study. Dev & Change 26:31-66 (e reserves, sabio)